15 Apr

Cloud migration is often a complex process. It needs to be customized to meet the functional, technical, and operational needs of a company. A successful cloud migration strategy seeks to address both short-term goals and long-term term ones. An example of a short-term goal is reducing the costs of hosting. Better alignment between business objectives and a company’s IT is an example of a long-term goal. In this article, we will be looking at some of the most common cloud migration strategies today. Find out more here.

One example of a cloud migration strategy is a lift and shift migration. A lift and shift migration is just as it sounds. It involves lifting an application from its current hosting environment and shifting it to another one. Lift and shift migrations keep the exact copy of applications, OS layers, and databases. Lift and shift migrations do not involve a lot of changes being made to your applications. Since there are few changes to be made in this type of cloud migration, those who choose it benefit from quick returns on investments, fast migration, and cost-effective migrations. Lift and shift migrations are popular because they make future transformation easier and also increase agility. This is the right cloud migration strategy for you if you are yet to settle on a specific cloud migration strategy. Lift and shift migrations enable teams to migrate their applications faster because of the lack of architecture modification. 

Secondly, we have a technical migration. Technical migration is different from lift and shift migration in that it upgrades databases and OS layers, unlike lift and shift migration which maintains the exact copies of the two. Technical migration has a lot of benefits, amongst them improved automation and increased scalability. Technical migration strategies are also popular because they ready organizations for future application migrations. Companies that go for this strategy have lesser disruptions when migrating to the cloud, seeing as it helps them to plan the next stages of their transformation. Check more on this link.

See more here: https://youtu.be/AmyuEIux6xs.

Finally, we have replatforming as another cloud migration strategy. Replatforming is an improvement of lift and shift migration. This cloud migration strategy makes adjustments with the aim of improving your applications’ landscapes. Replatforming enables you to achieve goals that go beyond rehosting, without having to expand the scope of your company’s project. Replatforming helps if you want to increase your systems’ performance. This cloud migration strategy will also help if you want to adopt managed services.

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